This is the beginning.

The question doesn’t remain. Action does. The question died. It withered away and smacked itself flush against the others, decaying in a bucket of composted words. Z’s next to J’s. Raunchy ecstasy cozying up to the Songs of Solomon. My name, scribed backwards in age 4 handwriting layered atop the musings of my many mishaps. […]

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An Unsent Letter

[*****], I decided this was a letter worth writing a few weeks ago while I was staring out of a window in Brooklyn. High in the sky. It’d be an omission of the facts if I didn’t tell you I strongly feel your words led me to this point. Is that strange? I know you […]

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This is to you, Part II

The deepness, the thickness of his voice reverberates in my memory. His eyes, forever imprinted to the sides of my mind. The way he twisted his mouth when laughing at the terrified looks that distorted the faces of those around us. The rope that dangled in the hands of the boy sitting behind me. These sights, the feelings that […]

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This is Part I

“Did you work at the dollar store in Eugene?” a slightly crazed looking man with a Vietnam Veteran hat and ankle-tight dark blue sweatpants around the age of 28 asked me. I was in my car, holding a pack of granola and trying my best to assess the situation I currently found myself in. He […]

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But First, Let Me Take A Selfie

it’s all just a snapshot in time _____________________________________________________ We, as a generation, the millennia’s, have created a complex, an obsession, an enigma that has been given birth through the technology that has emerged in our world. We stare into a small lens on our phones weekly, daily, hourly, persistently to find something more. To create […]

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The Day I Realized

His eyes glaze-over. Any hint of moral regard slowly leaves the body as he transforms into a creature I no longer know. A man, starved. A man, unaffected by my screams to just be left alone. He uses his charm, angling his body to fit right next to my legs. His eyes growing frantic as […]

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